Parental controls are features which may be included in digital television services, computer and video games, mobile devices and software.
They are in 4 categories:
• content filters, limit access to age inappropriate content;
• usage controls, constrain the usage of these devices such as placing time-limits on usage or forbidding certain types of usage;
• computer usage management tools, which enforces the use of certain software;
• monitoring, which can track location and activity when using the devices
We will talk about difference ways with different devices:
1. Parental control on windows:
Create a standard account for your child first.
Parental Controls for your child’s standard user account, you can adjust the following individual settings that you want to control:
a. Time limits. You can set time limits to control when children are allowed to log on to the computer. Time limits prevent children from logging on during the specified hours. You can set different logon hours for every day of the week. If they’re logged on when their allotted time ends, they’ll be automatically logged off.
b. Games. You can control access to games, choose an age-rating level, choose the types of content you want to block, and decide whether you want to allow or block unrated or specific games.
c. Allow or block specific programs. You can prevent children from running programs that you don’t want them to run.
2. Parental control on home internet:
You can set which website to block on your router.
You can also set what devices can and cannot connect to the wifi
You can also set the time of the router to go on or off.
3. Parental control on mobiles:
Mobile device software enables parents to restrict which applications their child can access while also allowing parents to monitor text messages, phone logs, MMS pictures, and other transactions occurring on their child’s mobile device, to enable parents to set time limit on the usage of mobile devices, and to track the exact location of their children as well as monitor calls in and out and the content of texts in and out.
There is much software that can be used to spy on your child:
• MobileSpy
• PhoneSheriff
• Autoforwardspy
The software is impressive because you can even see deleted texts, phone calls, site viewed, photos, etc.
For kids who you give your mobile phone to use sometimes there is a best application called KIDS PLACE.
When you activate it:
• You choose application your child can use
• Games she/he can play
• Home button is disabled
• To exit it you need a pin number